Online Coaching Specialists

Welcome to TransformedbyJM!


We are a company dedicated to helping YOU achieve YOUR goals!


Our names are Jim and Callum and we are dedicated to sharing our breadth of knowledge and experience within general health and fitness, weight loss, muscle gain, bodybuilding, powerlifting, mental health and body positivity. Our passion for helping people is unmatched; not everyone's needs are going to be the same so our process from start to finish is entirely bespoke and customised to your family/work/study commitments amongst others.

We regularly run giveaways, challenges, sponsorship opportunities, discounts and flash sales on our full coaching programmes, stand-a-lone diet and workout plans as well as all of our training clothing and accessories so be on the look out!

Please see our catalog to review the full services we offer!

By joining the #TJM community you will be looked after 24/7 and given the support, accountability and knowledge you need to achieve your goals. If there is ever any questions regarding our services or more generic queries, please don't hesitate to get into contact with us via the website or our instagram. 


We will see you later! Hopefully on your free consultation call!

